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Student organizations

  • National Honor Society for Dance Arts:  Janelle Spruill, Allan Decipulo are faculty sponsors​

Juniors and Seniors in the Musical Theatre and Dance Departments are eligible for induction. 

The National Honor Society for Dance Arts™ (NHSDA) is a program of the National Dance Education Organization, created to recognize outstanding artistic merit, leadership, and academic achievement in students studying dance in public and private schools in K-12 education, dance studios, cultural/community centers, performing arts organizations, and post-secondary education.The GSA NHSDA chapter is one very important way that we  honor our students and help advance the field of dance education.

  • National Honor Society for Visual Arts:  Liana Courts is the faculty spons

Seniors in the Visual Arts Department are eligible for induction​

Visual Arts Honor Society members are a part of a distinguished group of 58,000+ outstanding art students

You are eligible to apply for the Rising Stars Secondary Recognition Program Award (Juniors and Seniors only)

You are eligible to apply for the Charles M. Robertson Memorial Scholarship and scholarships to Columbus College of Art and Design, Maryland Institute College of Art, and The Art Institute (Seniors only)

You have the opportunity to be published in NAHS News (the semiannual, full-color digital publication of the NAHS program). Artwork submitted for inclusion is often used in other NAEA publications!

You eligible to submit artwork for possible inclusion in the annual NAHS/NJAHS Juried Exhibition held at the NAEA Studio & Gallery.


Tel. 757-451-4711

Fax. 757-451-4715

254 Granby St, 
Norfolk, VA 23510



Monday - Friday  9:30 AM - 5:00 PM


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